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Tierra Village is a Leavenworth, Washington-based Non-Profit connecting Adults with Developmental Disabilities to Nature and Community. We are a part of Tierra Learning Center.  We specialize in Residential, Educational, Recreational and Employment Services.


The Entities that comprise Tierra Village are:


~Coyote House Adult Family Home~ 

~TRAILS Day Program~

~Tierra Employment Services~  


Our mission is to provide people with Intellectual Disabilities, homes in a beautiful natural setting, & service in a collaborative, integrated, diverse community.


Executive Director
Meeche Visa.jpg
Meeche White
Nicole Haskey
TRAILS Director
Ann Vey
James Conrad
Alex Bugert
Coyote House
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Matt Woods
Coyote House Director
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Whitney Free
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Tierra Employment
Cindy Bergland
Employment Services Director
Ethan Almeida
Erin Becraft
Spring Miklosh
Jennifer Hader
Dawn Stafford

Board of Directors

Gracie Close, Emeritus


Peter Fraley, President


Melissa Trammel, Secretary


Lee Root


Christina Davitt


Susan Albert


Ann Bridges


Tierra Village  Mission, Vision and Values

Our vision is of a society in which people of all abilities live as equal citizens with full respect for their human rights, freedom & dignity.  Everyone has the same choices & opportunities to live a purposeful & valued community life with the needed supports to do so.


Our mission is to provide homes and services for people with developmental disabilities in a collaborative, integrated and diverse community located in a beautiful natural setting.


Our values include self-determination, meaningful work opportunities, a celebration of diversity, the experience of lifelong learning and compassionate service.

Tierra Village - Code of Ethics for Employees to Participants

Employee’s Ethical Responsibilities to Clients:


Commitment to clients. Tierra Village employee’s primary responsibility is to promote the well-being of residents and program participants. However, legal obligations concerning mandatory reporting will supersede the loyalty owed to the residents and participants.


Self-determination. Tierra Village employees promote the rights of residents and participants toward self-determination and assist them in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals.


Informed Consent. Tierra Village employees should provide services to residents and participants only in the context of a professional relationship and on valid informed consent.


Competence. Tierra Village employees should provide services and represent themselves as competent only within the boundaries of their education, training, certification, or other relevant professional experience.


Cultural Competence and Social Diversity. Tierra Village employees should have a knowledge base of their residents and participants cultures and be able to demonstrate competence in the provision of services that are sensitive to their individual cultures and to differences among people and cultural groups.


Conflicts of Interest. Tierra Village employees should be alert to and avoid conflicts of interest that interfere with the exercise of professional discretion and impartial judgment. Residents and participants should be informed of a real or potential conflict of interest and the employee, in partnership with the Executive Director, take steps to correct the situation.


Privacy and Confidentiality. Tierra Village employees should respect residents and participants right to privacy. Private information should not be solicited unless it is essential to providing services. Information may be disclosed when appropriate with valid consent from the resident, participant, or a person legally authorized to consent on behalf of the individual.


Access to Records.  Tierra Village employees should provide residents and participants with reasonable access to their records. Careful attention should be paid to the type of information in files. Information that may cause a misunderstanding or harm, may need to be explained. This situation should be considered exceptional, and limited access to records should be avoided if possible and documented if there is an occurrence.


Sexual Relationships. Tierra Village employees should under no circumstances, engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with current or former residents and participants. This could include resident and participant relatives or other individuals with whom the resident/participant maintain a close personal relationship when there is a risk of exploitation or potential harm to the resident/participant.


Physical Contact.  Tierra Village employees should not engage in physical contact with residents/participants when there is a possibility of psychological harm to the individual as a result of the contact. Employees who engage in appropriate physical contact with residents/participants are responsible for setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern physical contact.


Sexual Harassment.  Tierra Village employees should not sexually harass residents/participants. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, sexual advances, sexual solicitation, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.


Derogatory Language. Tierra Village employees should not use derogatory language in their written or verbal communications to or about residents/participants. Employees should use accurate and respectful language in all communications to and about residents/participants.

Program Missions

Coyote House Mission:

To provide a flourishing person-centered,

financially sustainable home nested in a vibrant learning community.


TRAILS Mission: 

Empower individuals to be leaders of their own lives through

vocational training, the arts, adventure education, and community connection.


Tierra Employment Services Mission:

To hold participants to their highest potential through meaningful employment.



Tierra Village's Version of the

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


All persons have equal dignity. Dignity does not depend upon physical, intellectual or other characteristics.   Neither does it depend upon the opinions that other people have about these characteristics.


All persons have inherent and equal worth. Our value as persons is neither earned nor accumulated.   It is unrelated to health status or any genetic or other personal characteristic.


All persons have inherent capacity for growth and expression. Every person has the right to be nourished physically, intellectually, socially, emotionally and spiritually.


All persons are entitled to equal access and opportunity. Equality demands protection from all forms of discrimination or harm, and access to the supports necessary to enable equal participation.


Tierra Village's Ten Principles

1. A person-centered organization commits to co-creating a community where each person’s life is as rich and wide as they want it to be.


2. A person-centered learning community creates an environment that helps address feelings of loneliness, helplessness and boredom frequently experienced by people living with disabilities and/or living in isolation.


3. The opportunity to contribute meaningfully, and give as well as to receive care fosters dignity, worth and respect. 


4. A lifelong learning community allows daily life to include variety and spontaneity within a safe collaboratively built context.


5. Meaningful activity is essential to human health and well-being, and is fostered through person-centered opportunities for paid and volunteer work, recreation, social participation and creative arts.


6. Person-centered support responds to the individual’s preferences, privacy, culture, beliefs and personal growth.


7. A person-centered community honors its residents and care partners through its commitment to collaborative decision-making with clear roles and processes.


8. Collaborative and democratic decision-making includes evolving systems, programs and policies responsive to changing needs of the community, and empowered residents, and their advocates, in exercising their personal, legal and human rights.


9. Co-creating a nurturing community is an ongoing process dependent on open and non-judgmental communication, with support to learn and use these communication skills.


10. Wise collaborative leadership, shared goals and a commitment to stewardship of self, others and home are the building blocks of an evolving resident-centered community.

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