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Tierra Village Volunteer Opportunities

Do you have an interest or passion you would like to share with either our Adult Family Home residents or our Day-Program participants?

Use what you are passionate about to benefit the adults in our program. We love learning new skills and would be ecstatic to learn from you. Previous volunteers have taught us how to create mugs with pottery, river raft, paint, and bake bread! Examples of possible skills our participants are interested in include, photography, driver’s education, and outdoor recreation. Help us add to our toolkit of skills!

Learning how to river raft on the Wenatchee River was a blast! Thank you Orion for sharing your passion for outdoor recreation and teaching us new skills.

Learning how to river raft on the Wenatchee River was a blast! Thank you Orion for sharing your passion for outdoor recreation and teaching us new skills.

We also have a volunteer Reading Buddy position available at the TRAILS Day-Program

This is an opportunity to provide participants support in increasing literacy. Several individuals in the program want to increase their reading skills. Create a supportive environment and encourage your buddy to read aloud and practice literacy skills.

Join the exciting world of learning how to read. Last Thursday, a participant read her longest book with her reading buddy, 54 pages!

Our residents also need

Reliable Transportation

As a Coyote House Driver, you can provide transportation to residents as needed. Transportation into the community more regularly is an important step towards increased independence for our residents. With your help, residents can get into the community more often to work, volunteer, and connect with others. The adult family home is located about five miles away from the closest bus line making it extremely difficult for individuals to go into town as often as they would like. Help them increase their independence and their opportunities to get more involved in the community.

TRAILS partnered with Outdoors for All to teach participants skills to downhill ski at Stevens Pass. We used the magic carpet, made new friends, and learned a new skill!

TRAILS Day Program Participants and a Volunteer laugh while wearing silly glasses.

If you have a different passion or skill you would like to share with our program, we would love to hear about it. Please contact Ellen Martinson via email at or Hannah Bridier via email at to determine how you can contribute to this program.

We love hanging out with TRAILS volunteer,

Michael Patterson. He is so silly and makes us laugh.

We appreciate your interest and welcome you to our community!

Look at this participant’s happy face! This is how much we love painting with acrylics at TRAILS!

A TRAILS participant learning how to downhill ski with Outdoors for All at Stevens Pass.

Get involved and join the fun!

Below are links to the volunteer application and information and each volunteer position’s description:

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