Joshua Harmening

Jun 10, 20192 min

Coyote House Highlights for May

Vibrant Learning Community:

Coyote House Task Chart

In an effort to increase resident involvement, care staff focus on 1-1 direct care, and the overall appearance and cleanliness of our facility, we are implementing a buddy system. Each month, a care partner is teamed up with a new resident. Each team is responsible for that resident’s room cleanliness, 1 outdoor task per week, 1 indoor task per week, and 1 daily task. This also gives care staff an opportunity to check in with residents’ needs.

Increasing involvement of our residents in the care taking, cleaning and maintenance of THEIR home is at the very core of our mission to balance person centered excellence with holding residents to their highest potential.

Success Story:

Jenga for Leslie

Leslie loves working outside. One of her favorite activities is stacking wood. Well, we thought, let’s “gamify” her love of stacking wood. She is now a backyard Jenga champ! Leslie is on a winning streak both in Jenga and in her relationships. She is growing and exploring her new home more every day.

Outdoor activity is profoundly important to us and to our residents. This is but a small example of the activities available to our residents. As we eventually expand our residential village for developmental disabilities, we look forward to creating more games, more trails, and more adventures.

Person Centered Excellence:

Erin’s Book Club

Erin is involved with a book club. They meet in the sitting area of the Leavenworth Library once a month. Erin reads the same books as everyone else and is quite the conversationalist. This is a great opportunity for organic, authentic community integration. She has had connections for rides and many other activities through the other members of the club.

When our residents win, we win. Erin is the driver behind this activity. She found the club, she makes the appointment on her calendar, and she definitely reminds us to take her there! A love of books, of learning, and of fellowship with like-minded individuals is a beautiful thing. We are humbled at the opportunity to facilitate these encounters.
